Monday, July 25, 2011

Photo Non-Contest #155 -- Big

Written Inc's phototheme for this week is "Big."
Well, this is appropriate for me, since I just returned from a vacation to Teton National Park.
Now, I've seen a fair amount of this world in my day, and the Tetons still stun me.  True, I've never seen the Himalayas or the Andes (I hope to see at least the latter one day; they're on the ol' bucket list.).  I have seen the Swiss Alps (and the German, French, and Italian Alps, to be specific, but only the Swiss Alps apply here), and I can most certainly say that they are the most stunning mountains I've ever seen.
But the Tetons are second.
These glacier-carved, towering mountains are incredibly jagged and rugged.  And they're HUGE.  FREAKIN' HUGE.
Really, these photos don't do them justice.  But I assure you that they fit this week's theme.

Here are a couple of peaks seen from the gorgeous Jenny Lake.

And here's a view of the Tetons in the distance over an elk preserve and Jackson Lake (farther north than  Jenny Lake).

Huge mountains, glaciers, pristine lakes, and fields of wildflowers in purple, yellow, and white.  Wow.  If it weren't for the thousands of people there with us, it would've been a truly magical visit.
Folks, if you travel but have never seen Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and the Tetons just beyond it, you really need to consider going.  I've been a fair number of times, and this area just never disappoints.


  1. Beautiful. and biggish ;)

    About time you came and saw the Southern Alps in New Zealand....

  2. Yes, I was contemplating just this morning that I need to buy a NZ guide and start planning.

  3. Woderful dramatic shots. We have several hundred big volcanoes here in Lanzarote, but nothing as big as these.

  4. Impressive place it seems, not sure I would like to figure among the thousands of visitors though. Nature outdoes any man-made big structures every time.

  5. seriously loving them there mountains......

  6. I can almost feel their size from these pictures. Funny how mere numbers fail to tell the story of how amazingly large some things can be.

    Please excuse me while I add the Tetons to my list of must-see slices of the planet. Your pictures of them are glorious...and definitely big in every way!
