Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo Non-Contest #164 -- It's In The Details

Written Inc's theme for the week is about details.  Most of my new photos aren't really about details, but I did snap this one the last time I visited Max's house.

It's part of his front door.  (Max has plenty of spiffy antiques in his house.)
Remember to click on it to see it full-sized.


  1. Very cool shot! I love the colours.

  2. What a gorgeous front door that must be!
    Beautiful :)

  3. Hey, I recognize that window! Nice picture of it.

  4. That's beautiful - I'd love that in my front door!

  5. That’s a lovely pattern. It reminds me of a child’s kaleidoscope .

  6. Oh that's amazing! What is it - is it glass? Ceramic? Fantastic.

  7. That's much better than our plain double-glazed front door.

  8. Lovely, intricate glasswork. The artisan certainly took time and care in every intricate detail of the pattern. Perfect for this theme!

  9. Thanks, everyone. I hope Max reads all your comments about his door.
    Yes, it is glass, and it's a lot more interesting than my front door, too.

  10. Thanks everyone. And if you want to see the whole door, which I think is one of the pair of original, almost 100 yrs old, doors, just click here..

  11. This is TOTALLY a detail shot. And a great one. It's exactly how I look at the world - through blinkered, squinted eyes, looking for the smaller element of the larger whole, the one that captures whatever it is that I'm feeling at that moment.

    Damn, Max gets cooler the more I learn about him. So do you!

  12. How beautiful! Great choice for detail!

  13. Carmi, sometime you need to come out and visit Utah. Max and I can show you around. :)

  14. Ditto what Writer said, we'd have a blast showing you around the area. And thanks for the compliment. :)
